Many people blog everyday for a variety of reasons that range from personal satisfaction, which may include a hobby, or actually earning an income from it. I have personally never blogged before, so this is my first time going through this experience and learning as I go. At the moment, I blog for the academic benefits. As MBA students, we can aggregate our our thoughts on our site and we can easily access each other's site to read what we have on our mind's. We are a team and sharing our thoughts is a wonderful way to combine our various backgrounds and expertise to broaden our knowledge.
Blogging has many benefits that are achieved with practice. The more you blog, the more refined your writing skills become. As you become a frequent blogger, you open the doors to connect with many other potential bloggers that will help you increase your knowledge base. I am looking forward to reading my colleagues blogs and read their great idea, thoughts and viewpoints on each class discussion. We only have so much time in the classroom so this is a way to stay connected outside of the classroom.
As we progress in the semester, it would be cool to have the whole class engaged in each other's blog's to the point where we can comment on our opinions. This is very rewarding because it is inevitable as if you got an opinion, someone else is bound to have an opposing one. If we can engage in debate over a case study, we will start to gain interesting alternative perspectives and it will help both the author and reader to develop the knowledge on the specific subject.
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