Wednesday, June 20, 2012

P&G - A change above all

-Problem/Issue Statement ​ ​P&G was posed with an issue that they felt needed to be addressed in order to drastically increase potential sales that were estimated to be at about $1 Million per day. The current paper trail process has been the process since the start for their clinical trial management. D’ Alonzo , the associate director for Clinical data mgmt, and other executives felt there is potential to transform what is now a lengthy process that produces very long lead times driven which was mainly attributed to the need for extensive manual processing. P&G knew that there were 3 available options at hand. -List of Plausible Alternative Courses of Action -Evaluation of Alternatives   ​ - Improving the paper-based process This would essentially be an attempt to revamp the current manual process by basically trying to speed up the process. It would increase efficiency but overall, a material difference would not be reached. ​ - Digital Imaging Still a paper based trail although this method introduces some technology into the function with transmittal of data from the hospital/physician sites to the sponsor. This would eliminate some double entry work which in turn would cut the process time, further helping them in their main goal. Downside is the constraints formed from the need of large amounts of data capacity of time. This could increase costs.   - Web-Enabled EDC The best, and chosen, approach that D’ Alonzo had used to convince his colleagues were this method. This approach would allow for data to almost be treated as a cloud function. You cut out all the middlemen and transfer information straight to the source. -Recommendation   ​I would recommend the same approach taken in the case study because the arguments presented are very clear and straightforward. There is no need for software at the sites so less work is needed. Navigation is a lot easier which eliminates confusion and speeds up the process.     -If I were Presenting ​ ​I would focus on the pitfalls of the other two options and focus on the success which will come with choosing the EDC option. Also focusing on the previous experience and results I have seen using this method. All the data collected from this method in my pilot trials would serve as presentation aids and lots of charts.  

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